
Bold Fish
Bold Fish is an abridger and voice actor. Formerly a creator of gaming, vlogging and other forms of content, he is the creator of various abridged titles, including Tsurezure Children Abridged and a number of one-shots.
Releases 24Series 12
Borinyukami was the creator of Zatch Bell Abridged, and one of the first abridgers to begin a community on the platform ning in the mid-200s.
Releases 11Series 1
Botch Brigade
Botch Brigade (formerly known as Take Your Views) is an abridging team, consisting of two main creators (dougo and abridgedcherrii). The team started in 2018 with their Persona 5 Abridged, and in late 2019, they announced a Black Clover Abridged, produced by abridgedcherrii.
Releases 31Series 2
Box of Danger
Box of Danger was a group of friends who worked together to create Pokemon The Abridged Series under the channel name PokemonAbridgedFTW, Pokemonstrocity, and a few others. Most of their files have been lost due to copyright claims over the years, and only exist as part of the abridged archive.
BridgeBrains is an abridging collaboration group featuring JChipperz, Nintles and ZehOverseer.
Releases 12Series 3
CanadianJutsu is the creator of Naruto Shippuden The Abridged Series and Inuyasha the Abridged Series. He is also a voice actor, who has been cast in many different series with Zeromaster. He was the co-writer for Naruto Abridged in its final few episodes.
Releases 32Series 4
CardboardLawyer is the creator of Phoenix Wright: Abridged Attorney, Welcome to the NHK Abridged and Pieces of One.
Releases 34Series 4
Cassius614 was the host of The Abridged Life Countdown, a compilation series featuring new abridging videos that ran from 17 February 2008 to 18 January 2010.
Releases 57Series 1
CharlestonVO is a voice actor, writer and editor. As a frequent collaborator with BellWarrior, he is the co-writer and editor of Death Note Abridged Parody along with various other projects. He also co-wrote and co-edited Death By Theme Park Abridged together with BuddyVA, and has done voice work for a number of productions.
Releases 23Series 6
chiissu is an abridger who focuses primarily on parodying series by Go Nagai.
Releases 42Series 2
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