NathanGraves989 (creator)

Creator site
Total releases


NathanGraves989 was the original abridged series interviewer, compilation creator and newsman. He has interviews with people like KaiserNeko, Takahata101 and Lanipator from their early days as abridgers.

Series (2)
Latest Releases
Jul 14, 2008The Abridged Interviews with NathanGraves989
Jul 14, 2008The Abridged Interviews with NathanGraves989
Jul 4, 2008The Abridged Interviews with NathanGraves989
Jul 3, 2008The Abridged Interviews with NathanGraves989
Jun 24, 2008The Abridged Interviews with NathanGraves989
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