WeeklyTubeShow (creator)

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Total releases


WeeklyTubeShow is a producer of parody dubs of various anime and animations. It is led by Remix, who writes and voices the majority of the productions. Other major contributors include Innagadadavida, who predominantly edits much of the productions, and WalterMB, who acts as assistant editor and occasional head writer. The channel is best known for its parody dubs of Dragon Ball Z and portrayal of the popular character Piccolo as a pimp.

Series (6)
Latest Releases
Jun 28, 2010Dragon Ball Z Dubs
Jun 27, 2010Dragon Ball Z Dubs
Jun 23, 2010Dragon Ball Z Dubs
Jun 21, 2010Dragon Ball Z Dubs
Jun 18, 2010Dragon Ball Z Dubs
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