I'm just a guy who really loves Abridged Series, and hates what YouTube (corporate) is becoming. Oh, I also sail, have a job, and all that.
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Latest Reviews
It’s so stupid that it’s actually excellent. It’s not poorly done at all- in fact it’s very well done with a frosting of non-sequitur and “what-the-hell?” on top. Very quotable, very fun. |
My Toaster has made some great abridged shows and one shots, this is no exception. I would easily recommend this one off. |
It was kind of dumb, but enjoyable. Some of the writing and the jokes are still memorable. So not bad, but not the best of GWS. |
It is too bad that there is just the one episode of what could have been an epic length abridgment. |
“Are you tired of living on land? Well, why not live on the land- in the sea?” I can’t understate how damn near perfect of an abridged series this is. I didn’t even watch the movie for years, but watched this on a regular basis. After seeing the movie- it was even better. This was an introduction to such a good anime, and I still quote it with my friends. RIP- GW Studios- thanks for making this. |
Latest Comments
HELLO!! Everyone! |
This seems to me to be a vastly under-utilized website. How cool is it to find a whole litany of Abridged Series? I would hope we can get reviews on all of them so we can make a Best of the Best group and a So Bad it’s Good group.