Animation (Type)



Batman Dubs
  • EN
  • Action
  • Comedy
Batman Dubs is a series of parodies of the 1960s Batman cartoon by EoD.
Releases 17Frequency 106.24Viewers 2
  • EN
  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Comedy
  • Fantasy
An abridged pilot/one-shot of the Thundercats 2011 remake, made by Over Coffee Creations.
Releases 2Frequency 200
Court of Owls Abridged
  • EN
  • Action
  • Comedy
Court of Owls Abridged is a parody based on the DC story arc Batman: The Court of Owls, using footage from the animated movie Batman vs. Robin and the animated TV-series Young Justice. It is written by Leik777, edited by DemonGrocerystore, and produced by DCAbridgedUniverse.
Releases 3Frequency 18.33Viewers 1
The Abridged Adventures of Superman
  • EN
  • Action
  • Martial Arts
  • Slice of Life
  • Supernatural
An abridged series of the 1960s Superman animated series by Newkidaye.
Releases 4Frequency 47.25
Young Justice Abridged
  • EN
  • Action
  • Comedy
Young Justice Abridged is a parody series of Young Justice, produced by DCAbridgedUniverse.
Releases 48Frequency 60.85Viewers 1
Justice League War Abridged
  • EN
  • Action
  • Comedy
Justice League War Abridged is a parody of the DC animated movie Justice League: War, written by Leik777, directed by DemonGroceryStore, and produced by DCAbridgedUniverse.
Releases 5Frequency 17Viewers 1
Avatar Abridged
  • EN
  • Adventure
  • Comedy
  • Fantasy
  • Martial Arts
  • Supernatural
Avatar Abridged is a parody series of written, edited and directed by AgentQV and produced by Thunder Ferret Productions. Based on the iconic Avatar: The Last Airbender series, this adaptation deviates from the source material in completely re-characterizing the entire cast, changing their motivations and heavily altering their dynamics as a result.
Releases 27Frequency 64.63Viewers 9
  • EN
  • Comedy
ChristMENT is a parody series of various Christmas animations, created by eagle8burger. The series was released annually between 2013 and 2015 around Christmas.
Releases 4Frequency 187.75
  • EN
  • Action
  • Comedy
  • Fantasy
CastleMania! is a parody one-shot of the animated adaptation of the Castlevania video game franchise, edited by Whipmed and Shuler, sound edited by Shuler, and written and produced by MorningRamen.
Releases 1Viewers 1
The Legend of Korra Abridged One-Shot: The Existence of Mako
  • EN
  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Comedy
  • Fantasy
  • Supernatural
A one-shot parody of Avatar: The Legend of Korra, The Existence of Mako is the debut production of Thunder Ferret Productions, directed and edited by AgentQV, and written by AgentQV, BeaverDonut, Josh Osborne and Kendall Victor. It was created as a submission for Team Four Star's 2016 TIBA (Tenkaichi Ironman Budokai Abridgathon) competition. The story…
Releases 1
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