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Oct 31, 2023descriptionTransformingmorpherOriginal

Transformingmorpher is an abridger and voice actor of abridged series and comic dubs. He is the creator of Evangelion Abridged along with a number of one-shots and other forms of content.


Transformingmorpher is an abridger and voice actor of abridged series and comic dubs. He is the creator of Evangelion Abridged and Mysterious Girlfriend X Abridged, along with a number of one-shots and other forms of content.

Aug 2, 2023descriptionPurpleEyesWTFOriginal

PurpleEyesWTF, or Nick Lizzo, is an abridger and voice actor. He is the creator behind such popular series and Code MENT and None Piece, as well as Soul Whatever and various one-offs. With specifically Code MENT, he pioneered the abridged subcategory known as “MENT”, which is characterized by a faster pace and more absurd humor compared to regular abridged series. His name is a play on Little Kuriboh’s side channel CardGamesFTW.


PurpleEyesWTF is an abridger and voice actor. He is the creator behind such popular series and Code MENT and None Piece, as well as Soul Whatever and various one-offs. With specifically Code MENT, he pioneered the abridged subcategory known as “MENT”, which is characterized by a faster pace and more absurd humor compared to regular abridged series. His name is a play on Little Kuriboh’s side channel CardGamesFTW.

Aug 2, 2023descriptionPurpleEyesWTFOriginal

PurpleEyesWTF, or Nick Lizzo, is an abridger and voice actor. He is the creator behind such popular series and *Code MENT* and *None Piece*, as well as *Soul Whatever* and various one-offs. His catalogue is notable for containing a shared universe between the three aforementioned series, made most explicit with the crossover title “None Piece Episode 5 thru 7”. His name is a play on [Little Kuriboh](https://abridgedseries.com/g/little-kuriboh/)’s side channel CardGamesFTW.


PurpleEyesWTF is an abridger and voice actor. He is the creator behind such popular series and *Code MENT* and *None Piece*, as well as *Soul Whatever* and various one-offs. His catalogue is notable for containing a shared universe between the three aforementioned series, made most explicit with the crossover title “None Piece Episode 5 thru 7”. His name is a play on [Little Kuriboh](https://abridgedseries.com/g/little-kuriboh/)’s side channel CardGamesFTW.

Jul 25, 2023imageTeam Melon Lord Presents Avatar AbridgedChanged
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Jul 24, 2023descriptionTokyo Revengers: Abridged The SeriesOriginal

This website wont really let us update this so look on our twitter to watch the episodes ( @kokonoiabridged)


We regret that updates cannot be directly posted on this website. To watch the latest episodes, we invite you to follow us on Twitter (@kokonoiabridged), where all episodes are available for your enjoyment. Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Jul 20, 2023typeRanma 1/2 The AbridgedChanged
Jul 18, 2023descriptionLunchFTWChanged

Two guys out of their residence somewhere in New Jersey get together once in a millennium to do the thing all men dream of one day doing: make shitty abridged series. Though some of their work later on had some tinge of quality, their biggest smear on the world of Abridged Series is their Ranma 1/2 series, 18 episodes that culminated to “let’s introduce every character so we can bum rush to the movie,” followed by a bad movie where the villains are, fittingly, themselves.

Jul 16, 2023descriptionNatesModernLifeOriginal

NatesModernLife, or Nate Washko, is a voice actor. As a member of [Arrogant Dubs](https://abridgedseries.com/g/arrogant-dubs/), he is the voice of Edward Elric in their [*Fullmetal Abridged*](https://abridgedseries.com/fullmetal-abridged).


Maliciousdestin, is a voice actor. As a member of [Arrogant Dubs](https://abridgedseries.com/g/arrogant-dubs/), he is the voice of Edward Elric in their [*Fullmetal Abridged*](https://abridgedseries.com/fullmetal-abridged).

Jul 12, 2023descriptionPoison BlazeOriginal

Poison Blaze is an abridged, voice actor, writer, editor and singer. He started voice acting in 2008, and is one of the founders and leaders of the abridge team [Slime Network](https://abridgedseries.com/g/slime-network/), and he also does commissions for various abridged series as well as other parodies and fan dubs. Under the moniker PalaceDawsonAbridged he has produced a number of abridged projects, including W.W.A.S.E., S.S.O.S. and Naruto The Homosexual Parody.


Poison Blaze is a Voice Actor, Vocal Coach, Director, Writer, Editor, Audio Engineer and Singer. He started voice acting in late 2006 and his first parody was Sonic The Movie 2000 Abridged. He has voiced in over 500 different parodies. He one of the founders and leaders of the abridge team [Slime Network](https://abridgedseries.com/g/slime-network/), and he also does commissions for various abridged series as well as other parodies and fan dubs. He has produced a number of abridged projects, including W.W.A.S.E., S.S.O.S. and Naruto The Homosexual Parody.

Jul 12, 2023descriptionBlaze NetworkOriginal

Blaze Network (previously Slime Network) is an abridging team run by Palace Dawson and Smooper.


Blaze Network (previously Slime Network) is an abridging team run by Poison Blaze and Smooper.

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