Amber Lee Connors (Cast)


Amber Lee Connors is a professional voice actress, casting director and scriptwriter within anime and video games. In the abridging community she is known under the pseudonym Shudo Ranmaru for her voice work on various Team Four Star projects, not least as Android 18 in Dragon Ball Z Abridged.

Dragon Ball Z Abridged Movie: Super Android 13
  • EN
  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Comedy
  • Martial Arts
  • Shounen
  • Supernatural
Amber Lee Connors as Android 18
Super Android 13 is a parody of the seventh Dragon Ball Z movie of the same name, created by Team Four Star. It is the sixth official movie in their Dragon Ball Z Abridged franchise.
Releases 2Frequency 42Viewers 4
Court of Owls Abridged
  • EN
  • Action
  • Comedy
Amber Lee Connors as Batwoman
Court of Owls Abridged is a parody based on the DC story arc Batman: The Court of Owls, using footage from the animated movie Batman vs. Robin and the animated TV-series Young Justice. It is written by Leik777, edited by DemonGrocerystore, and produced by DCAbridgedUniverse.
Releases 3Frequency 18.33Viewers 1
Dragon Ball Z Abridged
  • EN
  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Comedy
  • Martial Arts
  • Shounen
  • Supernatural
Amber Lee Connors as Android 18
Aside from Little Kuriboh's Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series, Team Four Star's debut production Dragon Ball Z Abridged is likely the most influential abridged series created. Written by KaiserNeko, Lanipator and Takahata101, and starring a wide variety of abridgers from across the community, it was the most professionally and collaboratively ambitious project the community had seen…
Releases 131Frequency 45.05Viewers 22
Hellsing Ultimate Abridged
  • EN
  • Comedy
  • Horror
  • Supernatural
Amber Lee Connors as Schroedinger
A parody of the Hellsing Ultimate OVA, Hellsing Ultimate Abridged is the second abridged series created by Team Four Star. It was originally released annually around November on Takahata101's YouTube channel as the group's Halloween Special, to then be released twice a year from episode 6 onward on their main channel.
Releases 16Frequency 185.06Viewers 30
Dragon Ball Z Abridged Movie: Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan
  • EN
  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Comedy
  • Martial Arts
  • Shounen
  • Supernatural
Amber Lee Connors as Panti
Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan is a parody of the eighth Dragon Ball Z movie of the same name, created by Team Four Star. Its first part was released on the group's official website on December 25th 2016, and the full version was released on YouTube on January 12th 2017. It is the eighth movie…
Releases 1Viewers 8
Final Fantasy VII: Machinabridged
  • EN
  • Adventure
  • Comedy
  • Sci-fi
Amber Lee Connors as Scarlet
Final Fantasy VII: Machinabridged is a parody series of the 1997 Final Fantasy VII game, and the fourth abridged production by Team Four Star. It is created by Takahata101 and Antfish. The project was first announced on May 25th 2015 on episode 24 of the TFS Podcast, having been greenlit the summer prior following a…
Releases 48Frequency 41.6Viewers 7
Throne of Atlantis Abridged
  • EN
  • Action
  • Comedy
Amber Lee Connors as Hera, Lois Lane, Queen Atlanna, Young Arthur
Throne of Atlantis Abridged is a parody of the DC animated movie Justice League: Throne of Atlantis, written by Leik777, edited by DemonGroceryStore, and produced by DCAbridgedUniverse.
Releases 6Frequency 10.17
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