Nowacking (Cast)


Nowacking is a writer, editor and voice actor. Having appeared in over one hundred productions, he is one of the most prolific and well-known creators in the community. His abridging debut came in the summer of 2008 with Bobobo the Abridged Series, for which he was the writer, editor and main voice actor. Despite the series' relative success, it has been made unavailable due to the focus on his more recent projects. He has done voice work for Little Kuriboh and Team Four Star among many others, is the co-creator of Pokemon: The 'Bridged Series and a member of Elite3.

Attack on Titan Abridged
  • EN
  • Action
  • Comedy
  • Fantasy
  • Shounen
Nowacking as Potato Girl
Attack on Titan Abridged is a parody of the popular anime series Attack on Titan, created by Team Four Star. It is written by Takahata101 and TehExorcist, produced by Takahata101, and edited by TehExorcist. Having premiered in 2013, it was the group's third abridged production. However, it unfortunately was put on hiatus and eventually cancelled…
Releases 1Viewers 13
Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Back to the Past For Salvation Cards
  • EN
  • Comedy
  • Sci-fi
  • Sports
  • Supernatural
Nowacking as Luka
Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Back to the Past For Salvation Cards is a parody of the Yu-Gi-Oh! 10th anniversary movie Bonds Beyond Time. It is created and written by Azurada23 and Sephirex, directed and edited by Sephirex, and produced by TheYuGiOh10thTAS; a team assembled specifically for the production of this project.
Releases 5Frequency 355.2Viewers 2
Nullmetal Alchemist
  • EN
  • Adventure
  • Comedy
  • Shounen
  • Supernatural
Nowacking as Izumi Curtis
Nullmetal Alchemist is a parody series of the 2003 Fullmetal Alchemist anime, and the debut abridged series of Faulerro. Its pilot episode jokingly describes the series as "a parody of PurpleEyesWTF's abridging style". Originally titled "Making Things Right", is also opens with an apology for Faulerro's Naruto The Abridged Movie Parts 2, 3 and 4,…
Releases 13Frequency 59.62Viewers 3
Naruto The Abridged Comedy Fandub Spoof Series Show
  • EN
  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Comedy
  • Martial Arts
  • Shounen
  • Supernatural
Nowacking as Tsunami
Naruto The Abridged Comedy Fandub Spoof Series Show, or The Naruto Spoof for short, is a parody series produced by Little Kuriboh's pseudonym Ninjabridge. At the same time, it is also a parody of MasakoX and Vegeta3986's Naruto The Abridged Series, the second abridged series ever created following Little Kuriboh's own Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series.…
Releases 11Frequency 186.91Viewers 7
Abridge on Titan
  • EN
  • Action
  • Comedy
  • Shounen
  • Supernatural
Nowacking as Petra, Rico
Abridge on Titan is a parody series of Attack on Titan, created by Stephan Krosecz and produced by Reality Punch Studios.
Releases 24Frequency 53.54Viewers 1
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series
  • EN
  • Comedy
Nowacking as Dark Magician Girl
Created in 2006 by Little Kuriboh, Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series, or YGOTAS for short, is widely considered to be the very first abridged series. Its influence as a pioneering work cannot be overstated, having laid the groundwork for the medium and the community. With several seasons, spinoffs and movies, it has a rich track record…
Releases 104Frequency 59.93Viewers 14
Hellsing Ultimate Abridged
  • EN
  • Comedy
  • Horror
  • Supernatural
Nowacking as Seras Victora
A parody of the Hellsing Ultimate OVA, Hellsing Ultimate Abridged is the second abridged series created by Team Four Star. It was originally released annually around November on Takahata101's YouTube channel as the group's Halloween Special, to then be released twice a year from episode 6 onward on their main channel.
Releases 16Frequency 185.06Viewers 30
None Piece Episode 5 thru 7
  • EN
  • Comedy
Nowacking as Miss Kaya
Originally released as None Piece Episode 5 and eventually retitled, None Piece Episode 5 thru 7 is partly an alternate version of the story in episodes 5-7 of PurpleEyesWTF's None Piece, and partly a crossover with his other two series Code MENT and Soul Whatever. It is also the most explicit addition to the shared…
Releases 1Viewers 2
Pokemon: The ‘Bridged Series
  • EN
  • Adventure
  • Comedy
Nowacking as Jessie, Misty, Nurse Joy, Officer Jenny
Pokemon: The ‘Bridged Series is a parody series of Pokémon produced by Elite3. It premiered in March 2010, with 1KidsEntertainment, xJerry64x and (as of episode 2) Nowacking as writers and main cast members, and 1KidsEntertainment as editor. It is known for its absurd humor, being an unconventional and almost surreal abridging of its source material.
Releases 55Frequency 75Viewers 6
Dark Swamp
  • EN
  • Action
  • Comedy
Nowacking as Balalaika, Revy, Roberta
Dark Swamp is a parody series of Black Lagoon produced by Elite3. Written, directed and edited by Nowacking, it is a deviation from his usual style and the typical style of abridged series in general, in that it incorporates a more serious dramedy approach as opposed to the pure comedy associated with the medium. For…
Releases 8Frequency 24.25Viewers 1
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